He is our Comforter

We recently had an intake with a client who was humbled to ask for help. “George” had been alone since January after the love of his life left him. He had been through a great deal of suffering and losses. You could see the weight of the world on his shoulders.

After being in 5 major accidents within a 3-year period, “George” was left in agonizing chronic pain and was struggled with mobility. Being able to connect with “George,” listening to his story and his struggles, lending a comforting ear, and providing genuine compassion and support during the intake, allowed “George” to receive the love of Christ we poured into him.

Since “George’s” intake, he has been back into our office to receive help submitting for food stamps, disability paperwork, and general help with papers. After mentioning our Relational Ministry program, “George” plugged right into the classes and found a home away from home. He said he hasn’t smiled this much in a long time. “George” is happy again and no longer feels alone.

“This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.” — Psalm 119:50